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- 05/10/2021/ Tuit de Greta Thunberg y "Carbon Brief", sobre emisiones acumuladas históricamente por países: https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1445440996712583169 We have already emitted 89% of the CO2 that gives us a 66% chance of staying below 1.5ºC. That’s why historic emissions not only count – they nearly make up the entire climate crisis. And yet they are still being almost completely ignored by media and people in power.
- 16/2021/ Post en arquitecturaContable inaugurando los diarios, con un comentario sobre el encuentro Paisajes Circulares organizado por Nomad Garden el 09/10/2021: https://arquitecturacontable.wordpress.com/2021/10/16/paisajes-ejemplares-de-nomad-garden/
- 26/10/2021/ U.N. warns world set for 2.7C rise on today's emissions pledges: https://www.reuters.com/business/cop/un-warns-world-set-27c-rise-todays-emissions-pledges-2021-10-26/
- Algunos casos de éxito (relativo, eso es lo que interesa ver).
- El calentamiento desde COP1, 1995: un desastre
- 01/11/21/ Carta de Greta Thunberg y colegas a los gobiernos reunidos en COP26
- 02/11/2021/ Twit de Mike Hudema @MikeHudema "In three yrs this #solar installation at a high school in Arkansas turned the district budget from a $250K deficit to a $1.8 million surplus and they're using the surplus to pay teachers more" y más detalles relacionados, que se desarrollan en vídeo del World Economic Forum https://twitter.com/MikeHudema/status/1455316775449546758