Ejemplos sencillos de pruebas para el módulo notepad de UVLHUB

De Wiki de EGC
Saltar a: navegación, buscar

Pruebas unitarias

import pytest
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock
from app.modules.notepad.services import NotepadService
from app.modules.notepad.models import Notepad
from app.modules.auth.models import User

def test_client(test_client):
    Extends the test_client fixture to add additional specific data for module testing.
    with test_client.application.app_context():
        # Add HERE new elements to the database that you want to exist in the test context.
        # DO NOT FORGET to use db.session.add(<element>) and db.session.commit() to save the data.
    yield test_client

def notepad_service():
    return NotepadService()

def test_get_all_by_user(notepad_service):
    with patch.object(notepad_service.repository, 'get_all_by_user') as mock_get_all:
        mock_notepads = [MagicMock(id=1), MagicMock(id=2)]
        mock_get_all.return_value = mock_notepads

        user_id = 1
        result = notepad_service.get_all_by_user(user_id)

        assert result == mock_notepads
        assert len(result) == 2

def test_create(notepad_service):
    with patch.object(notepad_service.repository, 'create') as mock_create:
        mock_notepad = MagicMock(id=1)
        mock_create.return_value = mock_notepad

        title = 'Test Notepad'
        body = 'Test Body'
        user_id = 1

        result = notepad_service.create(title=title, body=body, user_id=user_id)

        assert result == mock_notepad
        assert result.id == 1
        mock_create.assert_called_once_with(title=title, body=body, user_id=user_id)

def test_update(notepad_service):
    with patch.object(notepad_service.repository, 'update') as mock_update:
        mock_notepad = MagicMock(id=1)
        mock_update.return_value = mock_notepad

        notepad_id = 1
        title = 'Updated Notepad'
        body = 'Updated Body'

        result = notepad_service.update(notepad_id, title=title, body=body)

        assert result == mock_notepad
        mock_update.assert_called_once_with(notepad_id, title=title, body=body)

def test_delete(notepad_service):
    with patch.object(notepad_service.repository, 'delete') as mock_delete:
        mock_delete.return_value = True

        notepad_id = 1
        result = notepad_service.delete(notepad_id)

        assert result is True

Pruebas de integración

import pytest

from app import db
from app.modules.conftest import login, logout
from app.modules.auth.models import User
from app.modules.profile.models import UserProfile
from flask_login import current_user

def test_client(test_client):
    Extends the test_client fixture to add additional specific data for module testing.
    with test_client.application.app_context():
        user_test = User(email='user@example.com', password='test1234')

        profile = UserProfile(user_id=user_test.id, name="Name", surname="Surname")

    yield test_client

def test_get_notepad(test_client):
    Test retrieving a specific notepad via GET request.
    # Log in the test user
    login_response = login(test_client, "user@example.com", "test1234")
    assert login_response.status_code == 200, "Login was unsuccessful."

    # Create a notepad
    response = test_client.post('/notepad/create', data={
        'title': 'Notepad2',
        'body': 'This is the body of notepad2.'
    }, follow_redirects=True)
    assert response.status_code == 200

    # Get the notepad ID from the database
    with test_client.application.app_context():
        from app.modules.notepad.models import Notepad
        notepad = Notepad.query.filter_by(title='Notepad2', user_id=current_user.id).first()
        assert notepad is not None, "Notepad was not found in the database."

    # Access the notepad detail page
    response = test_client.get(f'/notepad/{notepad.id}')
    assert response.status_code == 200, "The notepad detail page could not be accessed."
    assert b'Notepad2' in response.data, "The notepad title is not present on the page."


def test_edit_notepad(test_client):
    Test editing a notepad via POST request.
    # Log in the test user
    login_response = login(test_client, "user@example.com", "test1234")
    assert login_response.status_code == 200, "Login was unsuccessful."

    # Create a notepad
    response = test_client.post('/notepad/create', data={
        'title': 'Notepad3',
        'body': 'This is the body of notepad3.'
    }, follow_redirects=True)
    assert response.status_code == 200

    # Get the notepad ID from the database
    with test_client.application.app_context():
        from app.modules.notepad.models import Notepad
        notepad = Notepad.query.filter_by(title='Notepad3', user_id=current_user.id).first()
        assert notepad is not None, "Notepad was not found in the database."

    # Edit the notepad
    response = test_client.post(f'/notepad/edit/{notepad.id}', data={
        'title': 'Notepad3 Edited',
        'body': 'This is the edited body of notepad3.'
    }, follow_redirects=True)
    assert response.status_code == 200, "The notepad could not be edited."

    # Check that the notepad was updated
    with test_client.application.app_context():
        notepad = Notepad.query.get(notepad.id)
        assert notepad.title == 'Notepad3 Edited', "The notepad title was not updated."
        assert notepad.body == 'This is the edited body of notepad3.', "The notepad body was not updated."


def test_delete_notepad(test_client):
    Test deleting a notepad via POST request.
    # Log in the test user
    login_response = login(test_client, "user@example.com", "test1234")
    assert login_response.status_code == 200, "Login was unsuccessful."

    # Create a notepad
    response = test_client.post('/notepad/create', data={
        'title': 'Notepad4',
        'body': 'This is the body of notepad4.'
    }, follow_redirects=True)
    assert response.status_code == 200

    # Get the notepad ID from the database
    with test_client.application.app_context():
        from app.modules.notepad.models import Notepad
        notepad = Notepad.query.filter_by(title='Notepad4', user_id=current_user.id).first()
        assert notepad is not None, "Notepad was not found in the database."

    # Delete the notepad
    response = test_client.post(f'/notepad/delete/{notepad.id}', follow_redirects=True)
    assert response.status_code == 200, "The notepad could not be deleted."

    # Check that the notepad was deleted
    with test_client.application.app_context():
        notepad = Notepad.query.get(notepad.id)
        assert notepad is None, "The notepad was not deleted."


Pruebas de interfaz

# Generated by Selenium IDE
import pytest
import time
import json
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions
from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities

class TestCreatenotepad():
  def setup_method(self, method):
    self.driver = webdriver.Chrome()
    self.vars = {}
  def teardown_method(self, method):
  def test_createnotepad(self):
    self.driver.set_window_size(912, 1011)
    self.driver.find_element(By.ID, "email").click()
    self.driver.find_element(By.ID, "email").send_keys("user1@example.com")
    self.driver.find_element(By.ID, "password").send_keys("1234")
    self.driver.find_element(By.ID, "submit").click()
    self.driver.find_element(By.ID, "title").click()
    self.driver.find_element(By.ID, "title").send_keys("n1")
    self.driver.find_element(By.ID, "body").click()
    self.driver.find_element(By.ID, "body").send_keys("n1")
    self.driver.find_element(By.ID, "submit").click()

Pruebas de carga

from locust import HttpUser, task, between
import random

class NotepadUser(HttpUser):
    wait_time = between(1, 5)

    def on_start(self):
        # Login at the start of each simulated user session
        self.client.post("/login", data={
            "email": "user@example.com",
            "password": "test1234"

    def view_notepads(self):
        with self.client.get("/notepad", catch_response=True) as response:
            if response.status_code == 200:
                print("Notepad list loaded successfully.")
                print(f"Error loading notepad list: {response.status_code}")
                response.failure(f"Got status code {response.status_code}")

    def create_notepad(self):
        new_notepad = {
            "title": f"Notepad created by Locust {random.randint(1, 1000)}",
            "body": "This is a test notepad created during load testing."
        with self.client.post("/notepad/create", data=new_notepad, catch_response=True) as response:
            if response.status_code == 200:
                print("Notepad created successfully.")
                print(f"Error creating notepad: {response.status_code}")
                response.failure(f"Got status code {response.status_code}")

    def view_specific_notepad(self):
        # Assuming notepad IDs are between 1 and 1000. Adjust as needed.
        notepad_id = random.randint(1, 1000)
        with self.client.get(f"/notepad/{notepad_id}", catch_response=True) as response:
            if response.status_code == 200:
                print(f"Notepad {notepad_id} loaded successfully.")
            elif response.status_code == 404:
                print(f"Notepad {notepad_id} not found.")
                print(f"Error loading notepad {notepad_id}: {response.status_code}")
                response.failure(f"Got status code {response.status_code}")

    def on_stop(self):
        # Logout at the end of each simulated user session